Indian spice exports exceed overall targeted volume and value

INDIAN spice exports up to the end of February crossed the fiscal target set for the April to March period both in quantity and value by 102 and 121% respectively. According to the Spices Board, exports went up to 311,000 tonnes against a target for the whole year of 306,000 tonnes. The value earned was […]

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Cardamom costly as buyers struggle between crops

GUATEMALAN cardamom prices have firmed recently with stocks from last year’s short crop becoming ever tighter. The price of Guatemalan cardamom (mixed yellow quality) was quoted at $2,000 a tonne, compared with $1,900 a tonne in the previous week. Some reports said that the last cardamom crop in Guatemala was down by 20% to 30% […]

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India increases volume of spice exports and revenue accrued

INDIA’S earned Rs30bn ($686m) from exports of spices between April and February compared with against Rs21bn in the corresponding period last year. Spice exports totalled 311,000 tonnes in the 11-month period, up by 6% from the same period the year before. Spice oils and oleoresins, including mint products, accounted for 46% of the total export […]

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Indian cardamom prices dip on slow demand despite low arrivals

INDIAN cardamom prices have been falling slightly at auctions held by Cardamom Processing and Marketing Company in Kumily, Kerala due to slow demand, despite thinning supplies, dealers said. Supply of fresh stock is down with the peak season of harvest coming to an end, a dealer said. Arrivals at Kumily have fallen to 47 tonnes […]

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